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alternate realities: brian oldham

Life is not what one lived, but what one remembers and how one remembers it in order to recount it. — Gabriel GarcĂ­a Marquez

photography editor. sean whitmore

alternate realities: christopher f. beitz

The most interesting dreams to my mind have no obvious subject matter. They are like turning on the TV late at night and coming upon... some scene or image detached from any context that has caught our eyes, because we found it both intriguing and aesthetically pleasing, and that then continues to haunt us for years. — Charles Simic

photography editors. brian palacio & sean whitmore

rising: keto clothing

urban-graphic edge

model. bakari rivera

photography. brian palacio

graffiti photography. cassidy curtis, roman lujan & william murphy

soundscape: julian le

brazilian new wave mixtape

playlist. arno argueta

cover photo. circuito fora do eixo

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.